Monday, May 5, 2014

Liner Vs Non Linear Time - Final Project

Time Final: Linear vs. Non Linear Time

Plexiglass/Alternative processes:

For my assignment I want to create a glacier made out of translucent plexiglass and have chemical photo processes on each panel portraying a flower that gradually loses each bud as it goes around the glacier in a non-linear motion. Inside the glacier I want to add a full flower, a not full flower, and the buds form the not full flower

Alternative Processes

Apply Chemical onto surface, let it dry, then
expose under a light source, wash it
And you will get an image
Chemical I will use:
Van Dyke Brown (silver nitrate)
Cyanotype (ammonium iron(lll) citrate and
Potassium ferricyanide)


For the Plexiglass, I plan on gluing somewhat

small pieces of plexiglass together with plexi glue
and forming them into a prism glacier

Flower in sculpture

I then want to place a full flower with all
of its buds, a flower with no buds
at all, and have the petals of that
flower on the inside of the glacier
as well





This film is about a man named Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce) who has anterograde amnesia which stops his ability to store new memories in his brain. He developed a way to recollect his memories by writing down notes, taking photos, or even getting tattoos of his memories on himself for him to solve the puzzle when he forgets. This film is portrayed through a black and white series that is in alphabetical order in time and then another series of color film where the memories are reversed in time. At the end of the story the two themes meet at the end producing one story: finding the second culprit who raped and murdered his wife. 
At the end of the movie, you find out that Lenoaerd thought his life was the life of a man named Sammy Jankins and finds out that his wife was killed from an insulin overdose.
This movie was incredibly hard to understand but was really entertaining too watching,  think that the event that were in color or reversed got Leonard confused of who was the real "John G". This movie was a great perception of time in itself and helped me as a viewer understand the concept of time.

Jorge Luis Borges. "Circular Ruins" And "The Library of Babel"

Circular Ruins

"Tacitum man" manages to reach a hidden ruin that use to be an ancient temple. While he is at the temple, he falls asleep and has a dream about an imaginary man. eventually he keeps getting sleepless nights and is frustrated that he couldn't dream anymore and he was extremely restless. He then made his son through the dreams. But he finds out that his son is only a imaginative thought of someone else's dream and that he is also a thought of someone else's dream. 
This article was pretty hard to grasp but I think the purpose of the dream has to deal with the concept of the circle of life. How in the reading the man trying to protect his son finds out that he himself is apart of a dream also makes the story go around in a circle.

The Library of Babel

This story deals with a man who talks about the library that is in his neighborhood. He talks about the history of libraries and books in general and tells tales of suicidal librarians and other crazy events that involved libraries. He talks about the past events that happened in this specific library.
To me, it felt like as if the old man lived through these times, that this events were old memories he had of when he was a child and the affect this library had on him all these years.