Monday, May 5, 2014

Liner Vs Non Linear Time - Final Project

Time Final: Linear vs. Non Linear Time

Plexiglass/Alternative processes:

For my assignment I want to create a glacier made out of translucent plexiglass and have chemical photo processes on each panel portraying a flower that gradually loses each bud as it goes around the glacier in a non-linear motion. Inside the glacier I want to add a full flower, a not full flower, and the buds form the not full flower

Alternative Processes

Apply Chemical onto surface, let it dry, then
expose under a light source, wash it
And you will get an image
Chemical I will use:
Van Dyke Brown (silver nitrate)
Cyanotype (ammonium iron(lll) citrate and
Potassium ferricyanide)


For the Plexiglass, I plan on gluing somewhat

small pieces of plexiglass together with plexi glue
and forming them into a prism glacier

Flower in sculpture

I then want to place a full flower with all
of its buds, a flower with no buds
at all, and have the petals of that
flower on the inside of the glacier
as well


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